Languages: Kurdî ‏سۆرانی‎

Sakharov Prize to Jina Amini and the Jin Jiyan Azadî Movement

The European Parliament awarding the Sakharov Prize to the murdered Kurdish woman Jîna Aminî and the “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” (Women, Life, Freedom) movement in Iran, is a clear indication of their appreciation for the women’s struggle for freedom in Eastern Kurdistan (northwest Iran). Likewise, it should also be seen as definitive criticism of the misogyny and cruelty towards women carried out by the Iranian regime. The Jin, Jiyan, Azadi revolution has delivered both international support and hope to the women-led movement in Kurdistan and Iran. Another unique aspect about this revolution is that it has led to ethnic unity between the diverse peoples of Iran, and cooperation between the political parties of Eastern Kurdistan with the broader progressive political opposition. As a result, a liberatory mosaic has formed, demanding equality.

Moreover, the women-led social revolution under the slogan of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi has produced a peaceful social movement at a time when our globe is increasingly being destabilized by violent patriarchal wars. Tragically, this movement for justice has also produced many martyrs and victims, who have been terrorized, jailed, and murdered by the Iranian regime. The awarding of the Sakharov Prize is also a recognition of those brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

International recognition and support are the recipe for success when it comes to social movements. However, they also require that an international legal system is in place to hold the aggressors who murder civilians to maintain their power accountable. We hope this is the first step in a line of actions along that path.

We give our heartfelt thanks to the European Parliament as a whole and the individual Parliamentarians who endorsed and helped make this decision, plus all the political groups aligned with the message behind it. Your support, recognition, and solidarity are heard and honored by the women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran.

Commission on Women of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)