Languages: Kurdî ‏سۆرانی‎

Press Release

Turkey’s war against the Kurds in North Iraq

While pogroms against Syrian refugees in Turkey and the display of fascist wolf salutes by Turkish national team player Demiral and thousands of Turkish fans during the European Football Championship -supported by the Turkish army and its mercenaries– made headlines around the world, Turkey’s occupation of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq continues steadily. Since June 15, Turkey started a new ground military operation in Kurdistan Region…

Turkish occupation escalates long-term war with regional and global implications EN – ES

URGENT PRESS RELEASE The recent escalation of Turkey’s military presence in Iraqi Kurdistan under the pretext of fighting PKK guerrillas is a blatant violation of Iraqi sovereignty and a threat to regional stability. Turkey’s deployment of tanks, soldiers and checkpoints deep inside Iraqi Kurdish territory is a clear attempt to occupy Iraqi Kurdistan. This will…

Turkey Moving Towards Occupying Southern Kurdistan

The Turkish military has started a new military operation in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (South Kurdistan), which signals new attacks and invasion attempts. The increase in convoys of trucks and armored vehicles passing through various regions underscores the escalating tensions. Troops were reportedly seen moving through villages in Dohuk governorate. A total of 833…

Stop Erdoğan’s Political Coup – Defend the Will of Kurdish Voters!

Memet Sıddık Akış, the democratically elected Kurdish Co-Mayor of Colemêrg municipality, was detained on Monday June 3rd and replaced by the Governor of Hakkari. The investigation file used to justify this action is solely based on unfounded allegations by Turkish police and the prosecutor. Akış’s dismissal displays a blatant disrespect of the Kurdish people’s democratic…

Condoglianza per Luigi Saraceni, grande avvocato!

Alla Famiglia Sareceni, Ai popoli italiano e curdo, con grande tristezza abbiamo appreso la notizia della morte dell’amico del popolo curdo, l’avvocato Luigi Saraceni. È stato uno dei primi avvocati del Presidente Abdullah Öcalan e ha seguito tutte le tappe del suo soggiorno in Europa. È stato un amico insostituibile, un difensore legale, un politico…

Nora Cortiñas, compañera del pueblo kurdo

Congreso Nacional de Kurdistán despide a Nora Cortiñas, compañera del pueblo kurdo El Congreso Nacional de Kurdistán (KNK) despide con dolor, pero también con el compromiso de lucha y resistencia de siempre, a Nora Cortiñas, integrante de Madres de Plaza de Mayo -Línea Fundadora-, de Argentina, que falleció ayer a los 94 años. Nora fue…