Languages: Kurdî ‏سۆرانی‎

KNK congress call to increase joint struggle against Imrali isolation and attacks

The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), which held its founding congress in Europe on 26 May 1999, has convened to hold its 21st congress. Representatives of political parties, intellectuals, writers, politicians from the 4 parts of Kurdistan, and observers attended the congress. The 21st congress of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), started on Friday in Den Haag, the Netherlands.

The congress, which was attended by a total of 350 delegates from 52 political parties, institutions, and organizations, and 20 observer party representatives, was the scene of intense discussions, suggestions, and criticisms.

The congress underlined the importance of the protests in Iran and Rojhilat, under the slogan “Jin, jiyan, Azadi”, and said that it is important to stand against the attacks by the Turkish in South Kurdistan and that it is a “national duty to defend Rojava”.

Common fight against the attacks

The opening speech of the congress was made by Zübeyir Aydar on behalf of the Organizing Committee. Stating that they met at an important time, Aydar emphasized the importance of congress.

The member of the Congress, Adem Uzun, stated that the Kurds are going through an important period and added: “Today, a comprehensive genocidal attack is taking place against our people. As Kurds, let us decide to fight together against these attacks.”

‘Let’s end the isolation imposed on the Kurdish people’s Leader’

Co-chairs Zeyneb Murad and Ahmet Karamus spoke at the congress, which will last until Sunday. Referring to the struggle of the Kurdish women said “The Kurdish enemies are carrying out genocide. There are attacks against Rojava and South Kurdistan. Genocide against our people is taking place in Iran. There is great isolation imposed on the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan. As a people, we must fight together against all these attacks, and especially against isolation.”

Our land is occupied

Co-chair Ahmet Karamus, on the other hand, touched upon the developments in the Middle East and Kurdistan in his speech. Saying that wars deepen the crises in the world as well as in the Middle East, said: “Unfortunately, we cannot talk about peace and stability in some parts of the world today. This includes our lands. Because the biggest problem in the Middle East is the Kurdish problem. Peace and stability will not come to the Middle East without solving the Kurdish problem. This needs to be known. The main source of these problems is the genocidal policy of the Iranian and Turkish states. They have occupied and exploited most of the lands of Kurdistan. This has been going on for hundreds of years. The solution is clear. The Kurds want to live in peace and stability with other peoples in the Middle East.

Our people struggle to end the heritage of the Lausanne Treaty

KONGRA-GEL co-chair Remzi Kartal spoke at the congress, pointed that “Our struggle will continue until the colonial system collapses and the Lausanne status, which ignores the existence of the Kurds, is destroyed. As the people’s defense forces, we will resist until our people are liberated. We are entering 2023 with attacks. This year is the 100th anniversary of Lausanne. Our people are waging a great struggle in all four parts of Kurdistan for the end of the heritage of Lausanne and for a free system to come to life.All Kurdish parties should be a part of this struggle carried out by the people. Today, the North Kurdistan guerrillas are carrying out great resistance. People are struggling. Again, Leader Apo is waging a great battle of will. The revolution led by Kurdish women is a reference for women around the world today. This revolution started in Rojava and continues today in Rojhilat. The nation-states of the region are swaying. This is great news.”

Criticizing the KDP, which acted together with the Turkish invaders in their war of occupation and genocide, the KONGRA-GEL co-chair said that the Kurdish Freedom Movement continued its resistance.

The KCK Executive Council co-chair Cemil Bayık and PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayılan sent a message.

The 21st Congress of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) re-elected Zeyneb Murat and Ahmet Karamus as co-chairs. The co-chairs promised to work for the interests of the Kurdish people.

An election was held for the KNK co-chairmanship. In the election in which 350 delegates were present, Zeyneb Murad and Ahmet Karamus, were re-elected as KNK co-chairmen for the second term.

Karamus: Our target is the unity of Kurdistan

Speaking to the delegates after the election, Ahmet Karamus said that they have been making efforts to fulfill their responsibilities since they were first elected in 2019, and added: “Today, the process our people go through is critical. No matter how hard we try and carry out work, we will fall short in our response.”

Karamus reiterated that they promised to work in the presence of the congress delegates and continued as follows: “We promise to work in the presence of the four parts of Kurdistan and Kurds in the Diaspora. We promise on the blood of our martyrs that we will work, in the next two years, for democracy, freedom and peace against the occupation. Our greatest effort will be to meet around a strategy that defends national unity and Kurdistan.”

Zeyneb Murad: We have a big burden on our shoulders

The other co-chair, Zeyneb Murad, thanked the delegates for their vote and said: “We have a great burden on our shoulders, I am aware of this. Both the situation our people are in and the process we are going through are difficult, but we believe that we will overcome this.”