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Giving Non-Violent Politics a Chance: The KCK’s Declaration of a Military Halt and the International Community’s Responsibility in Turkey’s May 14 Elections

-Background Information-April 2023- PDF en English – PDF en Castellano Introduction Human Rights Violations The Kurdish Alternative ErdoÄźan’s “Turkey First” Strategy ErdoÄźan’s Disaster: The Earthquakes The KCK Declares a Military Halt The May 14 Elections Ă–calan’s Freedom is Crucial for the future of the Kurds *** Introduction One hundred years ago the Treaty of Lausanne divided Kurdistan…

A Summary of Background Information on the Earthquake in Kurdistan, Turkey and Syria

On causes and consequences – the state’s deliberate policy of discrimination against Kurds after the disaster – Background Information on the Inaction of the Turkish State – Solutions Proposed by the Kurdish Freedom Movement in this Time of the Crisis – February 2023  in PDF: Information on the Earthquake in Kurdistan, Turkey and Syria INDEX  …

Turkey’s Use of Chemical Weapons – A War Crime and Crime Against Humanity

The Turkish Armed Forces have been using chemical weapons against the guerrilla fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Recently, 17 guerilla fighters were brutally killed in chemical weapons attacks. Download in PDF Turkey, a signatory and party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), is therefore in violation of its commitments to this treaty. For…

Regarding Sweden’s and Finland’s application for NATO membership and the Memorandum of understanding between the respective countries

The Memorandum of Understanding between Turkey, Sweden and Finland is a betrayal of all Swedish kurds here at home but also against all kurds beyond Sweden’s borders. The agreement as signed on Tuesday, the kurds’ concerns in the matter then realized the agreement in general consisted solely of points relating to the Kurdish question of…

Resolutions of the Conference on a National Stance Against the Turkish State’s Attacks and Occupation Strategy

CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS- At the call and invitation of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), we, as representatives of tens of Kurdistan’s political parties, movements, and organisations of all types and hundreds of independent participants (including writers, artists, intellectuals, academics, journalists, observers, politicians, and religious figures) from Kurdistan, acting as a voice of national conscience, convened a…