Languages: Kurdî ‏سۆرانی‎

Attack on our office targets national unity

The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Executive Council condemned the armed attack on our offices in Hewlêr, as a result of which Deniz Cevdet Bülbün was murdered.

This attack did not just target an office, an employee, a KNK member. The aim of this attack was the national unity of the people of Kurdistan. These attacks showed how helpless and afraid our enemies are in the face of our unity. Every Kurd should see this fact and act accordingly.

…Targeting of our representations was a continuation of the attacks carried out by the Turkish state and its collaborators in South Kurdistan, but also in Rojava, Shengal, Maxmur, Zap, Metîna, Avaşîn, Suleymaniyah..

The KNK Bashur Representation is in the middle of Hewlêr, and monitored 24 hours a day by the regional security and intelligence. There are dozens of cameras around it. As the KNK we ask to the Bashur government and the Hewlêr security forces If (the attackers) are not protected, how dare they use their arms in the middle of the day? Could they break into the KNK office and massacre people? How can MIT move freely in the region, organize spies and kill patriots? Who allows this?

…The regional government and the Hewlêr public order would be responsible for the massacre if the murderer was not caught as soon as possible and the instigators were not exposed and tried.

…The Turkish state’s attacks against Kurdistan continue, the attack on Erbet airport in Sulaymaniyah, which took place half an hour after the attack in Hewlêr, the attacks on Rojava, Shengal and Medya Defense Areas..

…This war is not only against a Kurdish movement. It is aimed at all Kurds and all of Kurdistan. The Turkish state is not only attacking, but also forming alliances against our people and mobilizing other invaders. All Kurds and Kurdistan’s forces need to see this reality. Cooperation with the Turkish state, cooperation with enemies and occupiers means treason: it is a red line and no Kurdish or Kurdistan force should cross this line.

The attack on the KNK office targeted the national unity of the Kurdistan people…

We call on anyone to strengthen the national line against this attack and attacks in general. All Kurdistan forces should unite. We call on all parties and organizations to not remain silent against these attacks, to protest and be one voice against the attacks. We will not step back against the attacks, we will stand against the attacks and we will further deepen the line of national unity.

At the end the we as KNK commemorated all the martyrs of Kurdistan, including martyr Deniz Cevdet Bülbün, the martyrs at Erbet airport, Shengal and Rojava, and expressed their condolences.