Languages: Kurdî ‏سۆرانی‎

13th General Meeting of the Kurdistan National Congress

Statement 27.05.2013 – Among the speakers in the 13th session of the KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) were:

1. Hêmin Hewramî, delivering a message from President Barzani,
2. Tahir Kemalizade Co-Chairman of KNK,
3. Mele Bextiyar, PUK, Delaver Ajgeiy,
4. Remzi Kartal, President of Kongra-Gel, and Head of KRG-EU
5. Halil Aksoy, representing BDP
6. Nimet Abdullah, BDP MP, Chairman of Kurdistan Parliamentarians Union,
7. Heci Ehmedi, President of PJAK
8. Salih Müslim, Co-Chairman of PYD
9. Kawa Hesen from Goran Party
10. İbrahim Sofi from Kurdish Communist Party
11. Heme Haci Mahmut, Chairman of Democratic Socialist Party of Kurdistan
12. Belên Mahmut, Chairman of  Zehmetkêşan Kurdistan Party
13. Qadir Eziz, Chairman of  Ayinde Party
14. Hikmet Serbilend, Chairman of Kurdistan Islamic Party
15. Rekar Ehmed, Kurdistan Rizgari Party
16. Bayram Ayaz, PDK Bakur
17. Brusk Necar, Kurds in Syria Democrat Party
18. Hesen Ozgur, Nord Kurdistan Komünist Party
19. Sertip Serefyani, Yekgirtiya İslamî
20. Ebdulsettar Mecid, Komela İslamî Kurdistan
21. Yasar Kucukaslan, Chairman of Mezopotamya Demokratik Değişim Partisi
22. Hesen Cudi, PÇDK
23. Riza Kebi, Komelî Zehmetkêşanî Kurdistan
24. Mahmud Dawiud, Kurds of Syria Democrat Party
25. Dr. Tewfiq Hemdus, Chairman of Suriye Kürdistan Demokrat Party
26. Dr. Naci Kamo, Suriye Kürdistan Komünist Party
27. Suriye Kürtleri Sol Demokrat Partisi
28. Hindien Esref Numan, Kurdistan Green Party
29. Navxwaz Nazeri, Yaresa Democrat Organizations
30. Serzad Ali, Güney Kurdistan YNDK
31. Cemal Semoyan, Russian Kurdish Autonomy
32. Chairman of Rêxirawî Demokratîkî Yarsan Navxwaz Nazerî
33. Şêrzad Elî, Chairman of YNDK
34. Salar Şêxanî, Chairman of PÇK-S East
35. Dr. Ebdulkerîm Omer, Chairman of Encumena Niştimanî Kurd li Sûrîye (Kurdistan National Unity of Kurds in Syria)

Two messages were also send and read to the Meeting. One was a message from Mr. Murat Karayilan, member of the High Council of KCK. The other was a message from Mr. Cemil Bayik.

Members Party of the KNK

1.PKK, Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (Workers Party of Kurdistan)
3.PJAK, Partîya Jîyana Azad ya Kurdistanê (Kurdistan Life and Freedom Party)
4.PYD, Partîya Yeketiya Demokratî li Rojava (Democratic Union Party of Western Kurdistan)
5.Partiya Komunist ya Kurdistanê (Şûî) – South
6.Partî Zehmetkêşanî Kurdistan
7.Partîya Sosyalîstî Demokratî Kurdistan – Başûr
8.Hizbî Ayindeyî Kurdistan
9.Komela Islamî Kurdistan
10.PÇDK, Partîya Çareserîya Demokratîk ya Kurdistanê (Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party)
11.Partîya Komunist Ya Kurdistanê – Bakur (North Kurdistan Communist Party)
14.PIK, Partîya Islamî ya Kurdistanê (Kurdistan Islamic Party)
15.Partîya Keskî ya Kurdistanê (Kurdistan Green Party)
16.Partî Demokratî Kurdî Suriye – West Kurdistan
17.Partîya Demokrata Kurdistan – Suriya
18.Partîya Çepa Kurd Sûrîye – West Kurdistan
19.Partîya Komunista Kurd, Suriya
20.Partîya Rizgarî ya Kurdistanê
21.Partîya Çepa Demokrat ya Kurd li Sûriyê – West
22.Partîya Guhertina Demokratik ya Mezopotamya
23.YNDK – South
24.Rêxirawî Demokratîkî Yarsan
25.Bizûtnewey Demokrati Gelî Kurdistan – Hewlêr
26.CIK (Civaka Islamî ya Kurdistanê)
27.Otonomîya Kurd li Rusya
28.Civata Kurd Li Ukrayna
29.Navenda Çapemenî û Ronakbîrî ya Jînan li Hewlêr
31.Enstituya Kurdi ya Brukselê
32.Instituta Kurd Li Elmanya, Köln
33.Instituta Kurd Swêd
35.FEK (Federasyona Komeleyên Êzidîyan)
36.FEDA (Federasyona Elewîyên Kurdistanê)
37.YEK-KOM Almanya
38.YMK (Yêkîtîya Mamostayan)
39.Tevgera Jina Azad li Ewrûpayê
41.ASUDA – Silêmanî
42.Centera Ragihandina Roshinbîrên Jinan
43.Agirgeha Zerdeştîyan – Siwêd
44.Înîsîyatîfa Doktorên Kurd – Almanya
45.YEKMAL – Berlin
46.Komala GAYANDIN – Hewlêr
47.Zentrûma Kurdî – Berlîn
48.AZERMÊR Sazîya Mafê Jinan – Siwêd
49.Yêkîtîya Xwandekarên Kurdistanê – YXK
50.Nûnêrê Komeleya Çandî ya Kurd, Ronahî li Azerbaycanê birêz Fexreddîn Paşayev

Parties and organisations that were present as observers:

1.Yêkgirtîya Islamî ya Kurdistanê
2.Komelî Zahmetkêşanî Kurdistan
3.Hemwelatîyê Azad
4.Partîya Demokrat ya Pêşverû ya Kurdê Sûrîyê

Guests who were there:

2.KDP (Partîya Demokrat ya Kurdistanê)
3.YNK (Yêkîtîya Niştimanî ya Kurdistanê)
5.Hizbî Demokratî Kurdistanî Iran
6.Hizbî Demokratî Kurdistan
7.PDK – Bakur
8.Yêkîtîya Parlementerên Kurdistanê

The above list shows that 50 members of party organisations, 4 observer organisations and 8 guest organisations attended the meeting of the Kurdistan National Congress. Many other individuals had also been on this historical event of the highest Kurdish gathering, that took place on the 13th KNK meeting.

During the meeting there were discussions on all the issues and problems of greater Kurdistan, aiming at finding a solution for the whole of Kurdistan as one nation.

On the first day of the meeting the Kurdistan constitution, containing 11 articles, was read to the meeting, and agreed upon unanimously by all members.

On behalf of KNK and its work related to Kurdistan, the following points were declared on the meeting. These are very important points that were agreed upon for Kurdistan.

Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) has released the final declaration of the 13th KNK General Meeting, which took place in the Belgium capital of Brussels on 25-26 May.

The meeting was attended by about 200 delegates, representatives of 35 organizations and parties as well as of 50 institutions and establishments from all parts of Kurdistan.

The declaration of the General Meeting, which contains the preparation for KNK’s work schedule for the coming period, lists the following points which were decided by KNK during the meeting:

1. KNK will continue gathering all national dynamics on the basis of national unity.

2. KNK will work for the Conference for National Unity in Kurdistan.

3. KNK will organize widespread work for the liberation of Mr. Öcalan and the other political prisoners.

4. KNK will work among local and foreign public for nominating Mr. Öcalan as a candidate for Nobel Peace Prize.

5. KNK urges the French government to release KNK Executive Council Member Adem Uzun.

6. KNK will protect the achievements in Kurdistan, especially the status of Federal Kurdistan Region and the new position of Western Kurdistan.

7. KNK will support the new process initiated by Mr. Öcalan and KCK (Union of Kurdistan Communities) in North Kurdistan and Turkey.

8. KNK will defend the rights not only of the Kurds but also of all other ethnic and religious groups in Kurdistan, including Assyrians, Chaldeans, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Yezidis and Shias, on the basis of a democratic society.

9. KNK will establish a democratic, social and secular system in Western Kurdistan, and will reconstruct the entire administrative structure, in particular the security forces, on the basis of unity.

10. KNK urges the U.S., EU and other countries to remove PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) from the list of terrorist organizations.

11. KNK calls on the UN and other international institutions to support the cause of Kurds and Kurdistan, and contribute to the achievement of a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.

12. KNK urges the Iranian state to end the policy of executions, violence and repression, and to negotiate with the leading political powers of Kurdistan.

13. KNK calls on all national forces in Eastern Kurdistan to create a coalition unity and to ally with Iranian opposition against the regime.

14. KNK calls on Western Kurdistan to abide by the Hewler Agreement and to unite under the roof of the High Council of the Kurds.

15. KNK asks the government of the Federal Kurdistan Region to take a close interest in the districts outside Kirkuk and Kurdistan and to make an effort for the re-inclusion of these regions to Kurdistan.

16. KNK calls on the Turkish, Arab and Persian peoples to support the people of Kurdistan for the establishment of a democratic, social and secular system based on a free, peaceful and common life.

On the national gathering of KNK a new model was agreed upon, providing for one woman and one man to be co-chair persons. It was also agreed to encourage women to become members and take action on political issues. Also, the KNK’s Justice and Legal Issues Committee was established.

Mrs. Nilüfer Koç and Mr. Tahîr Kemalîzadeh were elected as the co-chairs of the KNK.

The following persons were elected as members of the Executive Council:

1.Zübeyir Aydar
2.Adem Uzun
3.Rojan Hazım
4.Dilşah Osman
5.George Aryo
6.Songül Karabulut
7.Rodî Melek
8.Sorouer Kemanger
9.Refîq Gafur
10.Nizamettin Toğuç
11.Medeni Ferho
12.Nadya Mozirî and
13.Behzat Pîrmusa

Members of  subcommittee:

1.    Semîre Abdullah
2.    Dr. Bengî Haco
3.    Şehla Hefîd

The following persons were elected as members of KNK’s Justice and Legal Issues Committee:

1.    Nasir Resûlî
2.    Xalid Ezîzoglu
3.    Jale Mehemedî
4.    Ahmed Karamus
5.    Feride Mehmûd

Subcommittee members :

1.    Handren Amêdî
2.    Yaşar Küçükaslan

The following are the main points which were decided in the 13th General Meeting of KNK, which was held in Brussels on May 25-6, 2013.

1. Kurdistan as a nation has the right to live and create their own destiny as a Kurdish nation in their own land.

2. Our gathering is the highest body to fight for our homeland and achieve a peaceful solution to our existence problems until its all been death with.

3. Democratisation of Middle East can be achieved through the recognition of Kurdish identity and Kurdistan as a nation. Therefore, those countries who are either directly or indirectly involved have to recognise this problem, change their position on this important and sensitive issue, and listen to the Kurdish people’s wishes. On these grounds, Kirkuk and other Kurdish regions that were taken have to be included again in the map of Kurdistan, and these countries have to show their respect for the map of Kurdistan and its territory.

4. On this very important gathering the Kurds paid particular attention to the developments in South Western Kurdistan (within Syrian state territory). We fully support our Kurdish brothers and sisters who are right now fighting for their freedom.

5. In the North part of Kurdistan there is a peace process initiated by Kurdish leader Mr. Ocalan. We are calling on Turkish government and other countries that may have interest in this process, to listen very carefully to the wishes for a democratic solution for the Kurdish nation. Therefore, the peace solution or road map, proposed by the Kurdish leader, has to be taken into account, in order to achieve a permanent peace in the country. We are therefore calling on Turkey to release Mr. Ocalan and all other Kurdish political prisoners.

6. Our meeting sees the urgency and importance of the four conferences that will be held in four different places, as important stepping-stones for the Kurds. These places are Amed, Hewler, Ankara and Brussels.

7. The national struggle of the Eastern part of Kurdistan has to develop further, and we are ready for a new process to achieve our goals through peaceful means. We have to be ready for these changes and the national unity of our people.

8. Our meeting of all Kurds and Kurdistan, in which we are getting ourselves united as a people so that we can achieve our dreams and goals as being one united nation, is our guaranty for success.

9. Our meeting clearly declares that there are other ethnic groups living among our national geography, and these nations and ethnic minorities are to be protected, respected on their religions, greed, beliefs etc., and we are to establish a secular democratic system, which will respect every other people in the region.

10. Our gathering in this meeting calls on all Kurds and Kurdistan nation to work hard on their goals to achieve democracy in this land for all of us. We are calling on everyone irrespective of their sex or gender and as a human being to fight for this goals and land.

11. Over 200 delegates, representatives of Kurdish and Kurdistan’s political parties, organisations and guests from the four parts of Kurdistan and the Diaspora calling on in Representatives from different political groups, supported strongly the unity of all Kurdish people and the ongoing peace dialogue with Turkey. The Kurdistan National Congress asks UN, EU, US and Russia to respect and recognise the fundamental rights of the Kurds and the people of Kurdistan.

Some Speeches from guests and members on the KNK General Meting

Speaking at the opening of the congress, Rojan Hazim, executive member of KNK Council, expressed satisfaction that so many Kurds from the four parts of Kurdistan and Diaspora joined the meeting to show Kurdistan’s unity. Hazimi welcomed “all the Assyrians, Syriac, Chaldeans, Armenians, Yezidis, Alevis and all Kurdish people from different ethnical and religious groups which make Kurdistan richer and stronger. What we call today geographically Kurdistan – Mesopotamia – Anatolia is enough for all of us to live in a peaceful, free, democratic, pluralistic and secular society”, said Mr. Hazimi.

In a message to the Kurdistan National Congress, Massoud Barzani, the president of Kurdistan Region, supported the peace process between Turkey and the Kurds and called for Kurdish unity. The speech of President Barzani was delivered at the Congress by Hemen Hawrami, Head of Foreign Relations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). “The 20th century was a torture and painful period for the Kurds, but the 21st century is an end to the Kurds’ denial and a start to achieve our democratic, human demands. The Kurds should start asking for their demands but should avoid from resorting to violence. All Kurdish parties should be united”, concluded President Barzani. “The ending of clashes in Turkey is a significant attempt to stabilize peace and security in the country. For the better development of the peace process, both sides should be patient and work hard. It is a long process. I hope Mr. Ocalan will be released and there will be amendments in the constitution in Turkey which will guarantee the peaceful coexistence of Turks and Kurds as brothers in Turkey”, underlined KRG President.

Melle Bahtiyar, Member of the Political Bureau of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) also supported the peace process between Turkey and the Kurds. Mr. Bahtiyar stressed “the importance of breaking the fascist, ultranationalist and reactionary forces in the Middle East, which use the religion against the fundamental human rights. The peace process is a good opportunity not only for Kurds in Turkey, but for all Assyrians, Chaldeans, Armenians, Circassians, Yezidis, Alevis and all Kurdistani people”.

Remzi Kartal, the President of Kurdish KONGRA-GEL, characterised the 13th KNK congress as “important and historical, because for the first time all the Kurdish political groups, as well as the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdish President are together to show the Kurdish unity”.  Mr. Kartal analysed the situation of Kurds in the four parts of Kurdistan, pointing out that after Federal Kurdistan, Kurds in Western Kurdistan (Syria) are also on the way of self-governance, while in North Kurdistan a peace and dialog process takes place. Regarding East Kurdistan (Iran), Mr. Kartal said that Kurds are in a struggle for democratic and civil society rights. Remzi Kartal underlined the importance of Kurdish unity and strength as guarantees for the peace process in Turkey, in these crucial times when Kurds have acquired power in the Middle East.

Zubeyir Aydar, the new re-elected executive member of KNK and KCK Council, commented the recent KNK congress as an important step to bring nearly all Kurdish political organizations and parties together. “One of the important missions of the congress is not only to support the ongoing process for peace in Turkey, but also to show that all the Kurds and Kurdish people have the strong potential to be united and to cooperate in order to succeed in their struggle for fundamental human rights”, said Mr. Aydar.

Murat Karayilan and Cemil Bayik, the two main heads of the Union of Communities of Kurdistan (KCK), also sent messages to KNK Congress, in which they ask for support to the peace dialogue with Ankara.

At the congress, Mrs. Nilufer Koc has been elected as Co-Chairwoman of KNK together with Mr. Tahir Kemalizadeh. Also, KNK Congress strongly condemned the arrest of Mr. Adem Uzun, and called the French authorities for his immediate release. Mr. Uzun has been re-elected as executive member of KNK.

13th General Meeting of the Kurdistan National Congress