Languages: Kurdî ‏سۆرانی‎

Press Release

Massacre in Ankara

It has been reported that at least 92 people have lost their lives and more than 200 have been injured in the attack. Paramilitary forces have attacked a demonstration organised by non-governmental organisation and trade unions such as KESK, DISK, TMMOB and TTB in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. It has been reported that…


Introduction: On the 24th of July, 2015 Turkey launched a war against the Kurds, orchestrated by the conservative AKP government and led by Tayyip Recep Erdogan. Turkey has been notably reluctant to join the anti-ISIS coalition, despite calls by the Western powers and countries. When Turkey did finally join the international coalition, it instead attacked…

The Result of the 15th General Assembly Meeting of the Kurdistan National Congress

The Kurdistan National Congress hold it´s15th General Assembly Meeting on the days 25, 26 and 27th of September 2015 in Brussels. There was over 300 participants among them 200 individual members, 44 organizations and political party members including having 72 political organizations, political parties and NGOs as guests from all 4 parts of Kurdistan and…

Urgent: Disturbing Coordinated mob-attacks, and lynchings against the Kurds in Western Turkey:

Hundreds of Kurdish civilians in Western Turkey injured and several killed. Police have participated in the attacks against Kurdish civilians. Turkish president Erdogan and the AKP have provoked fascist, nationalist and racist groups into protesting and forming lynching groups who have engaged in terrorizing Kurdish civilians by attacking homes in different districts in Istanbul, Ankara,…